جمال وأناقة

خواتم مزينة بأحجار الزمرد لإطلالة ملكية ساحرة في رمضان

يعتبر حجر الزمرد من أفخر وأجمل الأحجار الكريمة التي تعكس طابعاً ملوكياً على الإطلالة. فهذا الحجر له تأثير كبير على النفسية ويمنح من ترتديه طاقة إيجابية ويحاوطها بهالة كبيرة.

 في يوم ميلاد صفاء سلطان.. فساتين فخمة بأسلوبها المبهر
جمال وأناقة

في يوم ميلاد صفاء سلطان.. فساتين فخمة بأسلوبها المبهر

تتسم النجمة صفاء سلطان بأناقتها التي لا تشبه غيرها، حيث تعتبر واحدة من النجمات اللواتي يعشقن الموضة ويتميزن بأزيائهن الأنثوية في الوطن العربي، ورأيناها تميل لاختيار فساتين السهرة بمختلف القصّات والألوان، التي تتميز بالكلاسيكية وأيضاً لكي تُبرز قوامها الرشيق والمثالي.

جمال وأناقة


- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”

- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”

- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”

- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
- John Kash -
- John Kash -
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”

“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”

“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
“Just wanted to say how happy I am with the WordPress plugin sliders I have purchased from SliderVilla. Not only do they look great, but when I had some issues at my end in configuring them, the support you gave was prompt and comprehensive”
 ما قصّة خواتم الكوكتيل صيحة صيف 2024؟
جمال وأناقة

ما قصّة خواتم الكوكتيل صيحة صيف 2024؟

تفرض المناسبات المختلفة على المرأة الالتزام بإطلالات معيّنة.

جمال وأناقة

طريقة عمل عصير الأناناس والكيوي لخسارة الوزن

المقادير - كيوي : 5 حبات (مقشر ومقطع)

- أناناس : 1 حبة (مقشر ومقطع شرائح)

جمال وأناقة

كيف تحافظين على السعرات الحرارية أثناء الصيام؟

استفساران يدوران في ذهن أي سيدة خلال شهر رمضان.. أولهما عن الطريقة المثلى لاتباع الريجيم أمام هذه الأطباق الشهية، وثانيهما، كيفية المحافظة على الوزن على الأقل. وماذا إذا كان هدفك المحافظة على وزنك خلال الشهر الكريم؟